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CS7643 DL lectures

Syllabus and other text


Math Background from a previous student

  1. mostly derivatives; all the rules
  2. multiplicative, sum, and those rules, working with cos/sin etc derivatives
  3. the maths will help with programming assignment also, so for HW1 which im going to start
  4. You will be asked to take partial derivatives of multi-variate functions with respect to a particular variable. You should know the derivatives of common functions (e^x, sigmoid, sin, cos, ln, etc.)
  5. Jacobians and calculating particular values within a Jacobian
  6. Derivatives of composed functions
  7. Computing partial derivatives through a computation graph
  8. This was the guidance that was given for quiz 1, i followed exactly and it was sufficient
  9. i used khan academy to practice derivatives
  10. and just random yotuube videos mostly
  11. moving forward i will let you know how much more calculus is needed
  12. to watch: Math for Deep Learning - Andreas Geiger\

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My number 1 advice for preparing is to get familiar with the necessary Calculus. The first exam and assignment require knowing this. Some resources:

  • The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning (if you just read this one paper, you should be fine)
  • YouTube: The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning- Part 1
  • YouTube: The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning- Part 2

A few other good ones recommended by students in the past:

  1. Matrix calculus summary
  2. Matrix Differentiation
  3. Dive into Deep Learning: Appendix: Mathematics for Deep Learning
  4. The Matrix Cookbook

If you have time, you can review Linear Algebra and Probability from the DL textbook:

  • LA
  • Probability

Also, we use Pytorch for the 2nd half of the class, but I was able to pick it up once we got there and don’t necessarily feel you need to learn it ahead of time.Other than that, have fun, it’s a great class!